The Bay of Fundy, stretching between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, is renowned for its dramatic tides, the highest in the world. However, beyond this natural spectacle, the Bay of Fundy region offers a wealth of surprising attractions and experiences.

Lesser-known facts about this enchanting region:

  1. Hopewell Rocks: Witness the iconic “flowerpot rocks,” sculpted by the tides and resembling giant flower pots at low tide.
  2. Cape Enrage: Hike to the edge of this rugged cape for breathtaking views of the Bay of Fundy and its powerful tides.
  3. Fundy Geological Museum: Discover the region’s geological wonders, including fossils, minerals, and the story of the supercontinent Pangea.
  4. St. Martins Sea Caves: Explore these majestic sea caves at low tide, accessible by foot and offering a unique perspective on the coastline.
  5. Grand Manan Island: Embark on a ferry adventure to this picturesque island, renowned for its lighthouses, fishing villages, and diverse birdlife.
  6. Fundy Trail Parkway: Drive along this scenic parkway, offering stunning coastal views, access to hidden beaches, and opportunities for hiking and kayaking.
  7. Joggins Fossil Cliffs: Marvel at this UNESCO World Heritage Site, where towering cliffs reveal a treasure trove of fossils from the Carboniferous Period.
  8. Cape Chignecto Provincial Park: Hike through rugged trails, explore dramatic coastlines, and camp under the stars in this wilderness park.
  9. The Bay of Fundy International Marathon: Participate in this unique marathon, running on the ocean floor at low tide.
  10. Whale Watching Tours: Embark on a boat tour to witness majestic whales, including humpbacks, minkes, and finbacks, as they feed in the nutrient-rich waters.
  11. Burntcoat Head Park: Visit the site of the world’s highest recorded tides, where the difference between high and low tide can exceed 16 meters.
  12. Tidal Bore Rafting: Experience the thrill of riding the tidal bore, a wave created by the incoming tide, on a rafting adventure.
  13. Cape Split: Hike to the dramatic cliffs of Cape Split, offering panoramic views of the Bay of Fundy and its surrounding islands.
  14. Hall’s Harbour: Observe the dramatic tidal changes at this fishing village, where boats rest on the ocean floor at low tide and float high above at high tide.
  15. Fundy National Park: Explore this stunning national park, offering diverse trails, waterfalls, campgrounds, and the chance to witness the world’s highest tides.


The Bay of Fundy is a destination that constantly surprises and delights. Whether you’re seeking natural wonders, outdoor adventures, or cultural experiences, the Bay of Fundy has something to offer everyone.

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By Chris Robinson

Chris is an author whose imagination knows no bounds, crafting worlds and characters that ignite wonder and curiosity in readers of all ages. With a playful spirit and a love for adventure, Chris's writing invites readers to embark on unforgettable journeys. What does he do to relax? You will find him playing overwatch! One of his favorite games.

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