Markham: More Than Tech Hub – Little-Known Facts
Markham, Ontario is frequently recognized for its tech industry and suburban sprawl, but there’s a surprising array of delights and oddities hidden beneath the surface.
15 Little Known Facts About Markham
“Silicon Valley North”: Markham is home to numerous high-tech companies, earning its nickname. Look for sleek, modern buildings.
Bubble Tea Paradise: Markham boasts an abundance of bubble tea shops, offering delicious and customizable concoctions.
Historic Main Street Unionville: This charming village preserved within Markham offers quaint shops, restaurants, and a picturesque historical vibe.
Toogood Pond: Hike around this scenic pond for a peaceful nature break within the city. Pack a picnic lunch!
Varley Art Gallery: This gallery dedicated to renowned Group of Seven member F.H. Varley showcases regional and Canadian art in a scenic setting.
World Class Badminton: Markham Pan Am Centre is a top-notch badminton facility that hosts national and international tournaments.
Markham Museum: Explore local history and heritage through interactive exhibits on farming, rural life, and Markham’s development.
Flato Markham Theatre: Enjoy a diverse range of live performances, from music to theatre to dance, at this beautiful venue.
Angus Glen Golf Club: This prestigious course has hosted international tournaments, drawing golf enthusiasts from all over.
Rouge National Urban Park: Part of the largest urban park in North America, the Markham section offers hiking trails and diverse wildlife spotting.
Dim Sum Destination: Discover some of the GTA’s best dim sum restaurants within Markham, catering to the large Chinese-Canadian population.
Milne Dam Conservation Park: Enjoy fishing, walks, and scenic waterfalls in this green oasis along the Rouge River.
Cathedraltown’s Charm: This unique neighborhood boasts towering spires and stained glass windows, remnants of a grand cathedral project that was never completed.
Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area: Explore trails winding through forest and meadow, perfect for dog walks or hikes on a sunny afternoon.
Markham Fair: One of the oldest in Canada, this agricultural fair offers a blast from the past with livestock shows, rides, and a midway.
The Verdict
Markham has more to offer than just sleek office buildings! It’s a city where tech innovation meets natural beauty, historic charm mixes with modern tastes, and diverse communities create a vibrant cultural landscape.