Saint John’s, Newfoundland, is famed for its colorful houses, stunning harbor, and friendly people. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find some seriously charming and peculiar tidbits/facts that make this city unique.

  1. The Reversing Falls Phenomenon: Where the Saint John River meets the Bay of Fundy, the tides create a unique effect – the river reverses its flow! Witness this natural wonder at the Reversing Falls Rapids.

  2. Iceberg Alley: Thanks to its prime location, Saint John’s sometimes welcomes iceberg visitors drifting down from the North Atlantic. Keep your camera ready!

  3. North America’s Oldest City: Saint John’s was incorporated in 1785, earning its bragging rights as the continent’s most senior city.

  4. Great Fire Survivor: In 1877, a fire ravaged much of the city, yet Saint John’s rebuilt with its signature resilience and vibrant spirit.

  5. The Tunnel That Never Was: Legend has it, there’s a secret tunnel connecting a local pub to the waterfront – a smuggler’s delight back in the day, perhaps?

  6. Jellybean Row Delight: Saint John’s is famous for its brightly painted “Jellybean Row” houses, adding a burst of color even on a foggy day.

  7. Birthplace of Molson Canadian? While debated, the popular beer brand Molson has strong ties to Saint John’s, with its brewery operating since the 1860s.

  8. Longest Covered Bridge in Canada: The Hartland Covered Bridge is an impressive feat of engineering and a picturesque spot for a photo op.

  9. Partridge Island Quarantine Station: Now a National Historic Site, this island served as the entry point for many immigrants in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  10. “Time Ball” Tradition: Before accurate clocks were everywhere, the Time Ball tower would drop a giant ball to signal 1 PM, guiding ship navigation.

  11. Fog Horn Fanfare: Saint John’s fog is legendary, and the foghorns at the harbor create an atmospheric, almost haunting soundscape.

  12. Martello Tower Fortress: This unique round tower was built for defense in the early 1800s and now offers spectacular views.

  13. Loyalist City: Saint John’s welcomed a wave of Loyalists fleeing the American Revolution, shaping the city’s strong British ties.

  14. Quirky Pub Names: From “The Dirty Shame” to “O’Leary’s”, Saint John’s pubs boast some of the most creative names around.

  15. George Street Festival Fever: This annual summer bash transforms a downtown street into a party zone with live music, food, and Newfoundlander revelry.

The Verdict

Saint John’s is a place where history whispers through the weathered streets, a dash of salty sea air mixes with modern life, and a warm welcome cancels out any hint of fog.

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